Crowdsourcing Natural Language Data at Scale: A Hands-On Tutorial

Dmitry Ustalov

Head of Research,

Daria Baidakova

Director of Educational Programs,

Natalie Fedorova

Education Program Manager,


*Note : The video of the tutorial is available online: https://toloka.ai/events/dai.

In this tutorial, leading researchers and engineers from Yandex and Toloka will share their unique industry experience in achieving efficient natural language annotation with crowdsourcing. We will introduce data labeling via public crowdsourcing marketplaces and present the key components of efficient label collection. Then, in the practice session, participants will choose one real language resource production task, experiment with selecting settings for the labeling process, and launch their label collection project on Toloka, one of the world’s largest crowdsourcing marketplaces. During the tutorial session, all projects will be run on the real Toloka crowd. We will also present useful quality control techniques and give the attendees an opportunity to discuss their own annotation ideas.